If you would like to contribute to this board, or view the private chat, you must be a registered user.
Normal registrations are closed due to over-eager spam-bots (to say the least), so the workaround....
Please use the "Contact Us" dialogue at the bottom of the forum page - just above the Donate button - to request this.
In the form, please indicate your current username (one you use in the bottom chat window) and an e-mail will be sent for confirmation so we can be sure it is actually you sending/receiving the request.
To change your password, go to the user control panel (top right) found in the drop down box under your username.
This is found on the Profile tab under Edit Account Settings. [/color]
After that, you are good to go, and welcome!
When logged in to the forum, the private chat box will become visible, and the forums will be accessible to post and reply as usual.
If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us so we can set things right. We're also open to concerns, suggestions, or any ideas you might have about how to make this a better place to be.
Moderator: xr3y6rs
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