TRX Future Projects Active Licenses Info Via Tanzania Mining Cadastre Portal 2017-05-14

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TRX Future Projects Active Licenses Info Via Tanzania Mining Cadastre Portal 2017-05-14

#1 Post by Net1djm » Sun May 14, 2017 9:57 pm

TRX Future Projects Active Licenses Info Via Tanzania Mining Cadastre Portal 2017-05-14

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Tanzania Mining Cadastre Portal


Tanzanian Royalty has two subsidiaries in which each have some of the Licenses:

Tanzania America International Development 2000 Limited (For Portal List Type in Search: american)

Tancan Mining Company Limited Limited (For Portal List Type in Search: tancan).


Portal Search Set Up:

In Left Hand Selection Check Active Box and Click Arrow to Right of it to View License Type and Color for it

In Left Hand Selection Check Administration Box and Click Arrow to Right of it to View Administrative Areas such as Protected Areas where TRX has ML in the Kigosi Game Reserve

In Left Hand Selection Check Mineral Occurrences Box and Click Arrow to Right of it to View Symbol and Color for it

In Left Hand Selection Check Mines Box and Click Arrow to Right of it to View Symbol and Color for it

In Left Hand Selection Check Satellite Imagery Box (Remove Checks such as Active to View Satellite Imagery Under)

Click a PL, ML or SML in search results

Click at tip of result box’s arrow

Move mouse arrow into result box’s black top area

Click+Hold and Move result box away to view cross hatched area involved

Click any other area not cross hatched to view about its license


Use the following link to get info on each Future Project: ... bit992.htm
Open Management Discussion and Analysis 2/28/2017

Go the following pages:
18 for Itetemia Project,
19+20 for Kigosi Project,
20+21 for Luhala Project,
21+22 for Lunguya Project,
22 Kanegele Project.
Ushirombo and Kibara Projects PLs not evaluated yet.

Then do Portal Search using a PL, ML or SML ID changing format to “PL Numbers/Year”, “ML Numbers/Year”, or “SML Numbers/Year”

Exploration Projects

Following the Company’s decision to include mine development to its strategy of generating maximum revenue from its extensive portfolio of properties and with the rising costs of maintaining prospecting and other licences in Tanzania, management decided to drop some licences. Efforts to revamp and clean up our current presentation of the TRX PL portifolio are at an advanced stage.

The technical team that was formed to review the prospectivity of the entire licence portfolio in Tanzania and propose to management licences to be dropped will finalize reviews of the rest of the land holdings in the next reporting quarter as part of our ongoing efforts to revamp the land holdings. This exercise was necessitated by the need to establish all outstanding, current and future financial liabilities and obligations


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